Monday, June 27, 2011

Project Camelot Interviews George Green - Part 2 of 2

George Green: Messages for the Ground Crew Part 2 of 2 Spokane, Washington, April 2008 George Green's career extends from military service in the USAF (where he encountered alien disk craft in a remote hanger at Edwards AFB), through "playing monopoly" in corporate banking and large-scale construction, to working closely with the Pleiadians and other benevolent intelligences to "wake people up" in preparation for coming changes. Very few people we have talked to have a span of personal experience - and contacts - which is this broad. As George describes, he "used to run around with the big boys". He was asked to build an enemy prisoner-of-war camp in downtown Las Vegas - he refused - and was asked to be Finance Chairman for the Carter administration, but declined after it became clear to him that the ethics of many of the senior players were heavily compromised. Shortly after he turned down the offer, his loans were called in and he lost many millions of dollars as finance was removed from dozens of major construction projects. Undeterred, George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems. His very important free e-book, Handbook for the New Paradigm, has been read by millions all over the world. George is a delight to listen to: relaxed, friendly and humorous. He has an extremely serious message: there is very little time left in ...


  1. This guy is so full of it.... The smirk on his face is a dead give away!!!! I don't deny that a small portion may be true, but this is indeed what is warned about, a sack of lies to the people in the end day times. Wake up sheeple, let no man deceive you!!! These aliens are fallen angels and all government is mind control freaks!!!

  2. A number of his predictions here did not come true. I do concur with some of his observations and advice, but some of this is blatantly untrue; ie Ecuador being safe, etc.. And he is clearly one of the wealthy who are doing their best to move their money out of the country. These things, scattered amongst the truth, make it very difficult not to think about disinformation and other intentions than are stated?

  3. I have a question. If he has been told to put this out for the good of all that will listen and to save as many as possible, why does he then sell it in books? Looks to me he would freely post the information. Doesn't all add up, unless he is doing this for more of his own financial good and he really shouldn't be.

  4. Thank you again Kerry , Bill and George Green. This is a good wake up call video. Much Thanks to all involved ! 5/31/2011

  5. After hearing this clown, project camelots' credabilty went out the window with me, too bad

  6. @thexrayman50 This guy has a site up with free information..sell books...cause books cannot pay themselvs...and he does conferences all around the world spreading the word paid from his own pocket... i think thats pretty much the best you can do...

  7. im a gamer and i know the difference between shooting pixels and a real target ild never kill anyone because its not my right and ild never want to see anyone suffer i wouldnt do that

    only thing i would truly fight for is freedom from these evil people
    i will not blaim religions they dont have a part of it

    ild like to thank Gorge Green from turning from these evil evil people and becoming awake and good

  8. @TheSimo1000 great spot 16 12. thanks

  9. this just blew my mind, especially the part about the moon...

  10. Podrian subtitularlo al espaƱol.

  11. but if we have a pole shift the countries south of the equator wont be in the south anymore. Wont the Neutron bombs then affect those southern countries?

  12. @thexrayman50 Exactly! Can you say -- charlatan?!

  13. Why would a group of intelligent, benevolent aliens/spirit guides choose a guy with such bad karma? He said himself he had liquidated godonlyknows how many banks etc. Sounds like a lot of lives ruined to me. So why should anyone follow him? Sounds like all he ever did was destroy. He also doesn't seem to know exactly when TSHTF, so he walks around with some gold coins in his pocket. Shouldn't he be the one person "not afraid"?

  14. My man scaring the crap out of me

    The series 'V' is a fictional TV show that explains (revelation of method) what is really going on with the evil UFO creatures (real spirit Lucifer & spirit demon gods) on this earth. The John Carpenter movie 'THEY LIVE' is actually a docudrama that explained this fact about the UFO creatures 25 years ago, but most people care more about the foolish religion of sports than truth, freedom or saving their own lives! I have evidence.
    Private Investigator Sinne

  16. @budderfly1965

    Basically, he's confused too, but a lot of what he's saying is true about the intent of the now reigning world powers. What his contradiction is is the information he was given by these "aliens" he's being communicating with. If he just read the Bible, he'd understand that the demons WANT humans to die! Satan is going to be destroyed and he wants all mankind to go with him , ESPECIALLY those who know what the Bible says and do what Jesus commanded. It's basic after that.

  17. @Zoharpineal

    no need to be. The Bible says that many living will never die.

  18. @cbmuzik There is no such thing as death anyway. All that happen is we cross over to the next life. There is no death.

  19. @Zoharpineal

    that's one way of seeing it...

  20. @cbmuzik God also says that if you dont follow his rules, we will burn in eternity. He is showing that the soul cant be destroyed but he can make you pay for your actions.

  21. @Zoharpineal How do you know that?

  22. @revived0103 The simple fact that souls live forever. Even God cant destroy a soul, he can punish you for your actions by making you burn in hell for eternalty. If your good and you follow the rules you will live forever in heaven. See that stuff is symbolic. Thats showing you that this world is a transition. There is nodeath. life moves on to the next transition.

  23. Let the mann speak!!! That chick needs to listen more often.
